Pieris jap. ‘Scarlet O’Hara’


P. japonica – Japanese Pieris – Lily-of-the-valley Bush – This compact, rounded shrub from Eastern China, Taiwan and Japan grows 6-12′ feet tall and 10′ feet wide.It produces narrowly elliptic, pointed, toothed, glossy, mid green leaves, to 4″ long, which are reddish copper when young.In late winter and early spring it bears white, bell shaped flowers that are held in pendent to semi erect, terminal panicles, to 6″ long, clustered at the tips of the shoots.

Scarlett O’Hara’ – bears white flowers held in dense panicles

Grow in moderately fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained, acidic soil in full sun or light shade.

zones 6-8