Veitchia merrillii – Christmas Palm –

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Veitchia merrillii

comes 5-6′, 6-7′, 7-8′ feet tall or larger check for availability

Comes in decorative basket, delivery may be additional charge, plus sales tax

V. merrillii – Adonidia merrillii – Christmas palm – Manila palm – This small palm native to the Philippines grows 15-20 tall and 6-12’ feet wide. The slender trunk, to 10” across, is marked with rings, and tapers towards the crown shaft. Strongly arching, matte, mid to deep green leaves, 3-6’ feet long, each have 40-60 strap shaped leaflets, pale green and scaly beneath. Green to yellow-green flowers, ¾” across, are borne in panicle to 36” long, usually in summer, but rare as a houseplant. Flowers are followed by egg shape, crimson fruit, to 1 ½” long, which are most colorful during Christmas. Need protection from wind.

Under glass, grow in soil based potting mix with added peat and sharp sand, in full light. Pot on or top dress in spring. When in growth water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Water sparingly in winter.

Outdoors grows in fertile, moist but well drained soil in partly shaded area when young, becoming more tolerant of full sun as they mature.

Zones 11