Wilsonara – This trigeneric hybrid genus of evergreen orchids, is derived from Cochlioa, Odontoglossum, and Oncidium. It produces conical, flattened pseudobulbs, each pseudobulb produces 1 or 2 soft, linear to lance shaped leaves. The inflorescences, either tall panicles with 100 or more flowers, or shorter panicles of larger flowers, are produced from the bases of the pseudobulbs. The rounded, sometimes star shaped flowers are very variably colored, often having conspicuous markings. Cool growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in epiphytic orchid potting mix in containers that restrict the roots. IN summer, provide bright filtered light and high humidity, water freely, apply a fertilizer at every third watering, and mist twice daily, In winter, admit full light, water sparingly, provide moderate humidity. Prone to aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs.
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