Vitex agnus-castus – Chaste Tree – Monk’s Pepper


V. agnus-castus- Chaste Tree – Monk’s Pepper – This open, spreading, deciduous shrub or small tree found in the Mediterranean to Western Asia, grows 6-25’ feet tall and wide. It produces 5 or 7 palmate leaves composed of slender, narrowly elliptic, pointed, smooth to slightly toothed edged, aromatic, dark green leaflets, with gray felted undersides, grow to 4-8” long. Small tubular, slightly fragrant, lavender, sometimes white flowers are produced in slender upright, terminal panicles, to 5-7” long in early and mid autumn, followed by small purple drupes.

Grow in any well-drained soil in full sun in a sheltered site.

zones 6-9