Viburnum rhytidophyllum – Viburnum – Leatherleaf Viburnum


V. rhytidophyllum – Leatherleaf Viburnum – This erect, fast growing, evergreen from Central and Western China, grows 10-15’ feet tall and wide. It produces oblong to lance shaped, wavy margined, very deeply veined, leathery, glossy, dark green leaves, 8” or more long with gray felted undersides. In late spring, bears small, tubular, creamy white flowers, ¼” across, in dense, domed, terminal, umbel like cymes, to 8” across, followed by oval red fruit, 3/8” long, ripening to glossy black. It tolerates alkaline soil. Grow in any moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade, most are drought tender. Where not hardy, shelter from cold drying winds. Most deciduous Viburnums tolerate hard pruning. Zones 6-8