Viburnum carlesii – Viburnum – Korean Spice Viburnum – Korean Viburnum


V. carlesii – Korean Spice Viburnum – Korean Viburnum – This dense, bushy, deciduous shrub is native to Korea and Japan grows 5-6’ feet tall and wide. When leaves first emerge they are bronze tinted, maturing to pointed oval, irregularly toothed, dark green leaves, 2-4” long, with paler undersides, often turning purple-red in autumn. In mid and late spring, pink buds open to tubular, very fragrant, white flowers that may have a pink flush to them. The flowers are ½” across, produced in domed, terminal corymbs, to 3” across, they are followed by circular red fruit, ¼” long, ripening to black.

Grow in any moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade, most are drought tender. Where not hardy, shelter from cold drying winds. Most deciduous Viburnums tolerate hard pruning.

zones 5-8