Viburnum dilataum ‘blue muffin’ – Viburnum – Arrowwood viburnum –


Viburnum dilataum ‘blue muffin’

Deciduous shrub

comes 2-3′, 3-4′ feet tall usually in balled and burlap

V. dilatatum – Linden Viburnum – This upright, deciduous shrub from China and Japan, grows 10’ feet tall and 6’ wide. It produces oval, hairy, coarsely toothed, dark green leaves, to 5” long, turning bronze to red in autumn. In late spring and early summer, it bears small salverform white flowers, ¼” across, in domed, terminal corymbs, 4-6” across. Persistent showy, oval, scarlet fruit, and 3/8” long follow flowers.

Grow in any moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade, most are drought tender. Where not hardy, shelter from cold drying winds. Most deciduous Viburnums tolerate hard pruning.

zone 5-8