Veronica p. ‘Georgia Blue’


V. peduncularis – This mat forming rhizomatous perennial from Turkey, Caucasus and the Ukraine grows 4” and 24” or more wide. It produces oval shaped, toothed, glossy, purple tinged, mid green leaves, to 1” long. In early spring to summer it bears abundant erect, auxiliary racemes to 4” long of saucer shaped, deep blue flowers, with a white eye.

‘Georgia Blue’ – ‘Oxford Blue’ – is vigorous and freely produces bright blue flowers

Veronicas are easily grown. The alpine and rock garden grow well in poor to moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Protect those with felted leaves from excessive winter moisture. Grow border veronicas in loamy, moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Grow V. beccabunga in wet soil, or in water to 5” deep. Divide perennials in autumn or spring.

Zones 6-8