

Verbena – Glandularia – Vervain –

A genus of about 250 annuals, biennials, perennials, and some semi woody sub shrubs, some of them are tuberous or rhizomatous. They are found naturally occurring in open and sunny habitats, such as prairies, wasteland, and roadsides, and in open woodlands. Some species prefer dry sites while other prefer moist sites. Mostly occurring in tropical and temperate regions of North, Central, and South America with few from Europe. The erect or procumbent, square stem carry opposite, toothed, sometimes lobed to pinnatifid leaves, and bear 5 petal small flowers in dense, terminal spikes, panicles, cymes, or corymbs, occasionally singly. The flowers are borne in late spring, summer and fall and are usually a bright white, pink, purple, or blue salverform, each with a tubular corolla. Verbenas are long flowering. There are numerous hybrids, which are ideal for an annual border, for edging, or for growing in containers including hanging baskets. An agreeably spicy aroma is associated with most Verbenas.

Marginally frost hardy to frost tender. In containers, grow in soil based potting mix with added sharp sand, in full sun. Water freely when in growth, and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Water more sparingly in winter. Outdoors, grow in moist but well drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun. Where marginally hardy, protect with dry winter mulch. Divide perennials in spring.