Thermopsis villosa – Thermopsis caroliniana – Carolina Lupine –

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Thermopsis – There are approximately 20 rhizomatous perennials in this genus. They are found naturally occurring from grassy mountainsides, light woodland and stream sides, in Siberia, Northern India, Northeast Asia, and North America. They are grown for their attractive foliage and Lupine like flowers. Erect stems bear alternate, stalked trifoliate leaves, some silver hairy, when persistent, leafy stipules, the similar basal leaves are produced in smaller numbers. Pea like yellow or purple flowers, with rounded standard petals and roughly equal sized   keel and wing petals, are born in terminal or axillary racemes. Suitable for a mixed or herbaceous border, or wild flower garden, T. rhombifolia is invasive and best grown in a wild garden. The flowers are attractive to bees. Grow in light, well drained, fertile, loamy soil in full sun or partial shade, although they will tolerate a range of conditions.. Usually long lived, they resent root disturbance. Prone to slugs,, aphids, powdery mildew, and leaf spot. T. villosa – T. caroliniana – Carolina Lupine – This rhizomatous perennial found from North Carolina to Georgia grows 3-5′ feet tall and 24″ wide. It produces few thick branches, that carry 3 palmate leaves, to 4″ long, have elliptic, egg or lance shaped blue green leaflets, hairless above, glaucous and silky hairy beneath. In late spring and early summer, downy yellow flowers, to 3/4″ long, are produced in erect, compact, terminal racemes. Zones 4-8


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