Verbena bonariensis – Tall Verbena –


Verbena bonariensis perennial comes in 1 gallon container V. bonariensis – V. patagonica – This stiff, upright, open clump forming perennial, from south America, but has naturalized in many southern states, grows 4-6’ feet tall and 18”-3’ feet wide. Often grown as an annual in colder areas. It produces few ovate to ovate-lanceolate shaped, wrinkled, and clasping leaves with toothed margins, to 5” long that are hairy beneath. From midsummer to frost it bears salverform, fragrant deep purple flowers ¼” across, in panicle like cymes, to 2” across. Marginally frost hardy to frost tender. In containers, grow in soil based potting mix with added sharp sand, in full sun. Water freely when in growth, and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Water more sparingly in winter. Outdoors, grow in moist but well drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun. Where marginally hardy, protect with dry winter mulch. Divide perennials in spring. Zones 7-11