Syringa vulgaris – Common Lilac – French Hybrid Lilac


S. vulgaris – Common Lilac – French Hybrid Lilac – This suckering, spreading shrub or small tree grows 20-22′ feet tall and wide and is one of the 2 Lilacs native to Europe.It produces pointed, heart shaped to oval leaves, to 4″ long.In late spring and early summer it bears fragrant, single or double lilac flowers in dense pyramidal panicles, to 8″ long.

Grow in a shrub border or as specimens in fertile, humus rich, well drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun or light shade.They will tolerate sandy gravelly soil that is slightly alkaline.Resents heavy clay or deep shade.Mulch regularly.Dead head newly planted lilacs before fruit form.

zones 4-8