Syringa r. ‘Ivory Silk’


S. reticulata- Japanese Tree Lilac – This upright shrub or broadly conical tree from Japan grows 30′ feet tall and 20′ feet wide.It forms an oval crown of reddish brown, shining bark which peels on young branches that carry lance shaped to ovate, pointed, dark green leaves to 6″ long.It bears sweetly fragrant creamy white flowers, with protruding yellow anthers, in panicles, to 8″ long, in summer.Makes good cut flowers

‘Ivory Silk’ – grows 10-12′ feet tall and half as wide and flowers profusely even when young

Grow in a shrub border or as specimens in fertile, humus rich, well drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun or light shade.They will tolerate sandy gravelly soil that is slightly alkaline.Resents heavy clay or deep shade.Mulch regularly.Dead head newly planted lilacs before fruit form.

zones 3-8