Symphyandra armena –

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Symphyandra – There are about 12 often monocarpic, sometimes rhizomatous perennial mostly grown as biennials, in this genus. They are found naturally occurring in mountains in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus to Central Asia and Korea. They are grown for their tubular-bell-shaped or bell shaped flowers, borne on branched stems in racemes, corymbs, or panicles over long periods in summer. Leaves are long stalked, often heart shaped, toothed, hairy, and mainly basal. Grow in a herbaceous or mixed border, or rock garden. They are very free flowering, but usually short lived. May self seed. Grow in light, fertile, well drained soil in full sun or light dappled shade. Often die after flowering. Prone to slugs and snails. S. armena – This upright or spreading, densely hairy rhizomatous perennial from the Caucasus, Turkey, and Iran and grows 20″ tall and 12″ wide. It produces long stalked, pointed, heart shaped, velvety hairy, irregularly lobed and toothed leaves, to 10″ long. During summer, it bears pendent, bell shaped, velvet textured, white or pale blue flowers, to 3/4″ long, usually in terminal corymbs, sometime held solitary. Zones 7-9


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