Stachyurus praecox –

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Stachyurus – There are about 6-10 deciduous or semi evergreen shrubs, occasionally small trees, in this genus. They are found naturally occurring in woodland and thickets in the Himalayas and Eastern Asia. They are grown for their pendent racemes of small, cream to pale yellow, 4 petaled flowers, born from the leaf axils on bare branches. They produce alternate, simple, usually broadly lance shaped, toothed leaves are carried on slender, glossy, red-brown shoots. Suitable for a shrub border, or for growing in a woodland garden or against a wall. Grow in area with distinct but mild winter, in light, moist but well drained, humus rich, fertile, acidic soil in full sun or partial shade, with shelter from cold, drying winds. S. praecox – This open, spreading, deciduous shrub from Japan grows 3-12′ feet tall and 6-10′ feet wide. From arching, reddish brown shoots it carries ovate, pointed, mid green leaves, to 7″ long, which color slightly in autumn. In late winter and early spring on bare branches it carries bell shaped, pale yellow green flowers, 3/8″ across, held in racemes to 4″ long. Zones 7-9


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