Spiranthes – Orchid

SKU: PDE-160251619 Category:


Spiranthes – There are about 50, usually small, evergreen or deciduous, terrestrial or rarely epiphytic orchids, in this genus. They naturally occur from grassland or woodland habitats, often close to water, in temperate and tropical regions, mainly in North America, with a few occurring in Europe and Asia. They have tuberous roots and basal rosettes of papery or fleshy, lance shaped or ovate to almost rounded leaves. Tiny white flowers are borne in spiral racemes along erect stems. Cool growing orchids (see chart below). Indoors, grow in terrestrial orchid potting mix in bright filtered light. In growth, water freely and apply fertilizer at every third watering. Keep almost dry and frost free when dormant. Outdoors, plant hardy species, when dormant, in moist but well drained, fertile, humus rich, leafy soil in a sheltered site in partial shade. Provide a deep, dry winter mulch where marginally hardy. Prone to spider mites and aphids. S. cernua – Nodding Ladies Tresses – This deciduous, terrestrial orchid found from Eastern Canada to Texas and Florida grows 2′ feet tall and 3′ feet wide. It produces broadly linear, acute leaves, 2-10″ long.   In autumn it bears racemes of almost translucent white flowers, 1/4″ long, with yellow centers. Zones 4-8


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