Spiraea x vanhouteii – Van Houtte Spirea – Bridalwreath Spirea


S. x vanhouteii – Van Houtte Spirea – Bridalwreath Spirea – This compact, bushy, deciduous shrub is a cross between S. cantonienssis and S. trilobata, and grows 6′ feet tall and 5′ feet wide.From slender, arching shoots it carries diamond shaped leaves, to 1 3/4″ long, which are scalloped or coarsely toothed, occasionally 3 to 5 lobed at the tips, and dark green above, glaucous beneath.In early summer, it bears bowl shaped white flowers in dense corymbs to 2″ across.

Grow in fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun.Some grow poorly on chalk.Prune those that flower on current years growth in spring, and those that flowers on previous year growth, which should have old flowering shoots removed just after flowering.

Zones 4-8