Sedum t. ‘Munstead Dark Red’


S. telephium – Orpine – This clump forming, rhizomatous, deciduous perennial from Europe, Russia, China, and Japan grows 24″ tall and 12″ wide.From erect, unbranched, pale green stems it carries alternate, oblong to oblong-ovate, toothed, glaucous, gray-green leaves, to 3″ long.Dense, axillary and terminal cymes, to 5″ across, of star shaped, purplish-pink flowers, to ½” across, are borne in late summer and early autumn.

Munstead Dark Red’ – grows 24″ tall and has purple tinted, dark green leaves and dark purplish red flowers, becoming even darker with age

Grow in moderately fertile, well drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soil in full sun.Vigorous species tolerate light shade.Cut back spreading species after flowering to maintain shaped.Divide larger, herbaceous species every 3 or 4 years to improve flowering in spring.

Zones 4-9