Scutellaria orientalis – Helmet Flower – Skullcap –


Scutellaria – Helmet Flower – Skullcap – There are about 300 erect or spreading annual, rhizomatous and clump forming herbaceous perennials and, more rarely sub-shrubs and aquatic plants, in this genus. They are widespread it temperate regions and on   mountains in tropical area. They produces opposite, smooth edged, rarely pinnatifid or toothed leaves. They bear summer, tubular, 2 lipped, blue, violet, yellow, or white flowers, often with colored bracts, are held singly or in pairs from the leaf axils, or in terminal spikes or racemes. Grow smaller species in a rock garden, use taller species at the front of a herbaceous border. They are easily grown in moderately fertile, light gravelly, well drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun or light, dappled shade. Where marginally hardy, apply a deep winter mulch. Divide in autumn or spring. Prone to powdery mildew, leaf spots, aphids, and spider mites. S. orientalis – This quickly spreading, woody based, rhizomatous perennial found from Southeastern Europe to Central Asia grows 10-12″ tall and wide. It produces slightly gray hairy, rooting stems and oval, deeply toothed to pinnatisect, light green leaves, ½” long, gray woolly beneath. In summer, it bears dense, erect, 4 angled racemes of 4-6 golden yellow flowers, up to 1 1/4″ long, marked red on the lower lips, with yellow green or purple tinted bracts. Zones 5-8


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