Scirpoides holoschoenus ‘Variegatus’ – Scirpus holoschoenus ‘Variegatus’ – Round-headed Club-rush


Scirpoides – There is a sole species of a deciduous or semi evergreen, fleshy rooted, rhizomatous, perennial sedge in this genus. It is found naturally occurring in damp or wet meadows inland, from Europe to Southwestern Asia. S. holoschoenus has almost leafless stems, and bear long stalked, spherical flowers from mid summer to early autumn. Suitable for a wild garden. Grow S. holoschoenus ‘Variegatus’ at the edged of a pool or in a bog garden. Grow in moderately fertile, constantly moist soil in full sun. Submerged in water to 9″ deep if grown as a marginal aquatic plant. Cut back stems left for winter effect by early spring. Divide between mid spring and early summer. S. holoschoenus ‘Variegatus’ – Scirpus holoschoenus ‘Variegatus’ – Round-headed Club-rush – This tufted perennial from Europe and Southwestern Asia grows 3′ feet tall and 18″ wide. It produces upright, smooth leaves and stems that are ringed yellow stems, to 3′ feet long, turning orange-brown in autumn. They occasionally produce linear, round tipped, rough edged, mid green basal leaves. From mid summer to early autumn, bears lax, terminal umbels of dense, long stalked, spherical heads, ½” long, consisting of ovoid, pale brown spikelets. Zones 6-9


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