Scilla siberica – Squill – Bluebel – bulbs


S. siberica – Siberian Squill – Spring Squill – Wood Squill – This bulbous perennial from Ukraine, Russia, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Northern Iran grows 4-8″ tall and 2″ wide. It produces 2-4 semi erect, broadly linear, basal leaves, 4-6″ long, with the flowers and die downs after flowering. From early to mid spring it bears loose racemes of up to 4 or 5 nodding, bowl shaped, rich blue flowers, ½” across. Stems gradually elongate to 6″.Tolerates light foot traffic. Does not do well where winters are mild.

Plant bulbs 3-4″ deep in autumn. In moderately fertile, humus rich, well drained soil, in full sun or light shade.

zones 5-8