Rhodothamnus –
There are 2 dwarf, evergreen shrubs in this genus. They are found naturally occurrin in humus rich soil, often among limestone rocks, In the Eastern Alps and Turkey. They have glossy, dark green leaves, and are grown for their solitary, occasionally clustered, cup shaped pink flowers, produces in abundance in early summer. Grow in a rock garden. They are difficult to eastablish.
Grow in moderately fertile, humus rich, acidic or alkaline , moist soil with a cool root run. They prefer full sun, but partial shade is tolerates, especially in drier areas. Avoid disturbing the roots.
R. chamaecistus – This semi prostrate, evergreen shrub from the Eastern Alps grows 8″ tall and 10″ wide. It produces elliptic to inversely lance shaped, glossy, bright dark green leaves, up to ½” long, paler beneath, fringed with bristly white hairs. In late spring and early summer, it bears abundant cup shaped, 5 petaled, pale clear pink flowers, to 1 1/4″ across, with red eyes, are held singly or in few flowered terminal clusters.
Zones 7-9
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