Prunus – Otto Luyken Cherry Laurel – Prunus ‘Otto Lukyen’


Prunus ‘Otto Lukyen’ evergreen shrub flowers in late spring comes 12-18″, 18-24″, 24-30″ inches tall P. laurocerasus – Cherry Laurel – English Laurel – Laurel Cherry – This dense, bushy, evergreen shrub becoming spreading, and tree like with age is from Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia grows 25′ feet tall and 30′ feet wide although usually less in cultivation. It produces oblong, glossy leaves, to 6″ or more long, dark green above, pale green beneath. In mid and late spring it bears upright sprays of cup shaped, fragrant, white flowers, 3/8″ across, 2-5″ long, followed by conical, cherry like red fruit, ½” across, ripening to black. Tolerates alkaline soil and will grow in shade. ‘Otto Luyken’ – is a dwarf, compact form growing 3-4′ feet tall and 5′ feet wide and has narrow, pointed, dark green leaves, to 4 ½” long, frequently flowers again in autumn Grow in any moist but well drained, moderately fertile, humus enriched soil, evergreens in full sun or partial shade. P. laurocerasus may become chlorotic on shallow alkaline soil. Trim in early or mid spring. Protect from strong wind. Feed with high nitrogen fertilizer. Few are drought tolerant. zones 6-9