Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Shell pink’ – Balloon Flower – Chinese Bellflower –


Platycodon – Balloon Flower – Chinese Bellflower – There is a sole species of a semi tuberous perennial in this genus.  They occur from grassy slopes and mountain meadows in Eastern Asia.  It emerges late and forms a neat clump of hairless stems with simple, elliptic to lance shaped, toothed, light bluish green leaves.  It is grown mainly for its clusters of bell shaped, 5 petalled, white, mid blue, dark blue, or lilac purple 2″ wide flowers, which open from large, balloon like buds.  Suitable for a rock garden or the front of a herbaceous border.  It is also good for cutting.  Established plants resent disturbance. Grow these easily grown plants in deep, light, fertile, loamy, reliably moist, but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.  Stems require support.  Divide in early spring. Prone to leaf spot, blight, snails and slugs. P. grandiflorusShell pink’  – This compact, clump forming perennial from Russia, Northern China, Korea, and Japan grows 24″ tall and 12″ wide. It produces elliptical, serrated, bluish green leaves, to 2″ long, borne in whorls on lower stem, and held alternately higher up the stem. In late summer, cluster of large balloon like buds open to shallow, bell shaped, 5-10 petaled, very pale pink flowers, to 2″ across, with darker blue veins and pointed tips to the petals.  Plants with pinkish mauve and variegated flowers sometimes occur from seed. Zones 4-9


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