Picea omorika – Serbian Spruce –


P. omorika – Serbian Spruce – This fast growing, pyramidal tree with pendent branches upturned at the tips is form Bosnia and Serbia grows 70-100′ feet tall and 6-10′ feet wide.It has brown bark cracking into square plates, and orange-brown shoots with black hairs.It produces flattened, square tipped dark to blue green leaves, ½-3/4″ long, grayish beneath, lie flat at the sides of the shoots and are spreading below.It bears ovate-oblong, purplish later brown female cones, 1 1/4-3″ long.Tolerates alkaline soil and is more tolerant to urban pollution then most. Grow in any deep, moist but well drained, ideally neutral to acidic soil in full sun. Zones 4-8