Pennisetum oriental


Pennisetum – There are about 120 rhizomatous or stoloniferous, clump forming, annual and perennial grasses, in the Poaceae family, in this genus.  They occur in woodland and savanna in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate zones worldwide.  They have flat, linear leaves, and are grown for their feathery, brush like panicles of clustered, oblong to lance shaped spikelets, borne in summer and autumn, which are useful for both fresh and dried arrangements.  Grow in a mixed, herbaceous, or annual border, or rock garden.  Some self seed readily and may become invasive in warmer areas. Grow in preferably light, moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun.  Cut back dead top growth by early spring.  Where not hardy, protect with a dry winter mulch.  Divide in late spring or early summer. Prone to rust, eye spot, and other leaf spots occur. P. oriental – This mound forming, densely tufted, deciduous perennial grass found from Central and Southwestern Asia to Northern India grows 24″ tall and 30″ wide. It produces upright or arching, narrowly linear, dark green leaves, to 4″ long. In mid and late summer it bears softly long bristled, silvery pink spikelets in long, narrow panicles, to 5 ½” long, resembling bottle brushes. Zones 6-10


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