Parthenocissus quinquefolia – Ampelopsis quinquefolia – Vitis quinquefolia – Virginia Creeper- Woodbine – Five-leafed Ivy


P. quinquefolia – Ampelopsis quinquefolia – Vitis quinquefolia – Virginia Creeper- Woodbine – Five-leafed Ivy – This vigorous, woody climber from Eastern and Central America can grow to 50′ feet tall or more, It produces palmate, dull, mid green leaves composed of usually 5 oval, sharply toothed leaflets, to 4″ long, that turn brilliant red in autumn.It bears small greenish flowers in clusters in late spring.In fall it produces poisonous black berries.

Grow in any fertile, humus rich, well drained soil in shade or sun, P. henryana usually colors best in partial shade.Young plants may need support initially.Protect from hot winds.

Zones 7-9