Ornithophora – Gomesa – orchid

SKU: PDE-160250042 Category:


Ornithophora – There are 2 species of evergreen, epiphytic orchids in this genus. They occur in Brazil in warm. Moist forested areas. These orchids have slender, compressed, ovoid pseudbulbs, each with 2 linear leaves and a fine mat of aerial soots. Tiny flowers are borne in slender racemes arising from the bases of the pseudobulbs, and resemble a swarm of insects hovering above the plant. Cool to intermediate growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in epiphytic orchid potting mix in shallow pots or slatted baskets, or epiphtically on slabs of bark. Provide high humidity and bright filtered light all year. In summer, mist daily, water freely, and apply quarter strength fertilizer at every third watering. Water more sparingly in winter, do not allow to dry out completely. Prone to spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs.


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