Oregano – Origanum vulgare – Common Oregano – Wild Marjoram – herb



space 12-18″ inches apart

mature size: 8″ inches tall and in bloom it reaches 24″ inches tall

Origanum vulgare – Common Oregano – Wild Marjoram – This bushy, rhizomatous, woody based perennial from Europe grows 12-36″ tall and wide. From upright to spreading stems it carries very aromatic, oval, dark green leaves, to 1 ½” long. From mid summer to early autumn it bears loose panicle or corymb like whorls of tubular flowers, to 1/8″ long, varying from deep to pale pink or white, with whorls of leafy, purple tinted green bracts, to 1 ½” long.

Aureum ‘ – Golden oregano – grows 12″ wide and produces bright greenish golden leaves and pink flowers and spread less vigorously than the species

Aureum Crispum’- Curly Gold – grows 18″ wide and has curly golden leaves

Compactum’Compact oregano – grows 6″ tall and 112″ wide and is compact, and dome forming, with smaller leaves, to 3/4″ long.

Gold tip’ – ‘Variegatum’ – grows 16″ tall and 18″ wide and is similar to ‘Aureum Crispum’ but the leaves are yellow only at their tips.

‘Heiderose’ – Grows 16″ tall and bears pink flowers

Subsp. hirtum – O. heracleoticum – Greek Oregano – from Greece and Turkey it grows 12-28″ tall and 8-18″ wide and is compact in habit, producing hairy leaves, and small head of white flowers.

Grow in full sun in poor to moderately fertile, well drained, preferably alkaline soil.Grow dwarf perennials and subshrubs in free draining soil.Some resent winter moisture.Divide perennials in spring.

Prone to root rots, stem rots, aphids, and spider mites.

Zones 4-9