Orchis – May Orchid – Marsh Orchid – orchid

SKU: PDE-160250040 Category:


Orchis – May Orchid – Marsh Orchid – There are about 35 species of deciduous, terrestrial orchids in this genus. They occur from Europe and Asia, mostly in open grassy places, frequently in poor, dry soil. They have 2 or 3 spherical or ovoid tubers, and rosettes of linear-lance shaped to oblong0ovate, sometimes purple spotted,, light to dark green leaves. From spring to summer it bears dense, erect racemes of delicate purple, red, pink, yellow, green, or white flowers, each with a short spur, and sometimes with a pungent odor. They are suitable for a rock garden, or very sheltered site to protect the flowers. In an alpine house, grow in terrestrial orchid potting mix in bright filtered light. Water moderately during the growing season, keep dry an frost free when dormant. Outdoors, grow in fertile, well drained, gritty, humus rich, slightly acidic soil in partial shade. Plant dormant tubers in autumn, at least 3″ deep. Prone to slugs and snails.


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