Oncidium –

SKU: PDE-160250035 Category:


Oncidium – There are about 450 species of evergreen, terrestrial, epiphytic, or lithopythic orchids found in a variety of habitats, from sea level to altitudes of 10,000′ feet high, in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies. Some Oncidiums are compact, with fan like foliage, other have pseudobulbs that bear either one large, rigid leaf or 2 smaller, flexible leaves. The flowers are typically yellow,, with prominent lips, and are produced in short or tall racemes or panicles from the bases of the plants. Cool to intermediate growing orchids (see chart below). Grow compact species in pots of epiphytic orchid potting mix, grow those with large, leathery leaves and elongated habit epiphytically on bark or in baskets. In summer, provide high humidity and bright filtered light,, those with leathery leaves prefer full light. During the growing season, mist daily and water freely, apply a half strength fertilizer at every third watering. Keep Oncidiums with large pseudobulbs dry in winter, those with small pseudobulbs, or none, require watering all year. Prone to leaf rots, bulb rots, gray mold (Botrytis) aphids, mealy bugs, spider mites, white flies, and a variety of viruses.


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