Miltoniopsis – Pansy Orchid – There are 5 species of low growing evergreen, epiphytic or lithophytic orchids, in this genus. They occur from Central and South America found in mountainous regions from 1,000′ to over 7,000′ feet high. The fleshy, round pseudobulbs are partially covered by soft textured, linear pale green, basal leaves. They bear pansy like flowers are circular and up to 6″ across, and are fragrant, held in racemes. There are many colorful hybrids often blooming in mid summer but some bloom twice a year, with up to 6 flowers in a racemes. Cool growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in containers of epiphytic orchid potting mix. In summer, provide humid, shady conditions with plenty of fresh air, water freely, and feed at every third watering, water sparingly in winter and keep light levels low. Do not spray the foliage, since it may become spotted. Prone to spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs.
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