Microbiota decussata


Microbiota –

There is a single species of a dwarf prostrate to low mound forming, evergreen, dioecious or monoecious, coniferous shrub from open slopes in Southeastern Siberia in this genus.It has scale like, broadly triangular, pointed, bright green leaves that turn bronze-purple over winter.The minute, ovoid cones have leathery scales, each one opening to release a single seed, Grow in a shrub border or as a groundcover or as a specimen.

Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun to partial shade.

M. decussata – This spreading coniferous shrub from Russia grows 18-36″ tall and with an indefinite spread although 10′ feet wide is common.From green shoots, later turning red brown, and flat sprays of bright mid green leaves, to 1/8″ long, paler below, in symmetrical pairs.Females cones, 1/8″ long, each have 2-4 scales, one of which is fertile, male cones to 1/8″ long, are pale yellow.

Zones 3-7