Mazus reptans


Mazus – There are about 30 species of annuals, and creeping, usually mat forming, prostrate perennials in this genus.They occur in wet habitats from low-land to mountainous regions of the Himalayas, India, Pakistan,, China, Taiwan, Japan, Southeastern Asia, and Australasia.The leaves, ½-2″ long, borne in opposite pairs, are mostly linear to spoon shaped or obovate, toothed, and usually mid green.Narrowly tubular flowers, with erect upper lips and large, spreading 3 lobed lower lips, are held singly or few flowered racemes from the leaf axils.Mazus species are suitable as a ground cover in a rock garden or in paving crevices. Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in a sheltered site in full sun.Divide in ealry spring. M. reptans – This prostrate or mat forming perennial from the Himalayas grows 2″ tall and 12″ wide.It produces lance shaped to elliptic or obovate, coarsely toothed bright green leaves, to 1 1/4″ long.From late spring to summer it bears 2 to 5 flowered racemes of lavender flowers, to 3/4″ long, with yellow and red spotted white lower lips.Tolerant of light foot traffic. ‘Albus’ – has white flowers. Zones 5-8