Magnolia stellate ‘Royal Star’ – Star Magnolia


M. stellata – Star Magnolia – This compact, bushy then spreading deciduous shrub from Japan grows 10-15′ feet tall and wide.It has aromatic bark. It produces obovate-oblong to inversely lance shaped, mid green leaves, to 4″ long. Silky bud open to star shaped, mostly erect, fragrant, pure white, sometimes faintly pink flushed flowers, to 5″ across, with up to 15 petals, flowers are borne profusely in early and mid spring, before the leaves. Grow in moist alkaline soil.

‘Royal Star’ – has faintly pink buds and double white flowers, to 5″ across, with 25-30 petals

Grow in moist, well drained, humus rich, preferably acidic to neutral soil in sun or partial shade. Protect from strong and salty winds.

zones 5-9