Magnolia g. ‘Little Gem’


M. grandiflora – Great Bay Laurel Magnolia – Bull Bay – Southern Magnolia – This dense, broadly conical, evergreen tree from Southeastern USA grows 20-80′ feet tall and 50′ feet wide.It produces narrowly elliptic to broadly ovate, leathery, glossy, dark green leaves, to 8″ long, with paler green and often rust-hairy undersides.From mid summer to autumn it bears large, cup shaped, fragrant, creamy white flowers, to 10″ across, with 9-12 petals.Tolerates dry alkaline soil and polluted city atmosphere.

‘Little Gem’ – Is columnar, semi dwarf selection growing 12-20′ feet tall and 10′ feet wide.It produces elliptic to oval, dark green leaves, to 5″ long, rust hairy beneath, and small flowers

Grow in moist, well drained, humus rich, preferably acidic to neutral soil in sun or partial shade.Protect from strong and salty winds.

zones 7-9