Leucothoe f. ‘Scarletta’ – Drooping Leucothe – Fetter Bush – Pearl Flower – Switch Ivy –


L. fontanesiana – L. catebaei of gardens – L. walteri – Drooping Leucothe – Fetter Bush – Pearl Flower – Switch Ivy – This upright, evergreen shrub from Southeastern USA grows 3-6′ feet tall and 10′ feet wide.From arching branches it carries oval, long pointed, toothed, leathery, hairless leaves, 2 ½-6″ long, dark green and glossy above, paler below.In spring it bears bell shaped, white or pink flowers, 1/4″ long, in axillary racemes, 1 ½-2 ½” long.

‘Scarletta’ – has dark red-purple young foliage, then bronze in winter.

Grow in humus rich, reliably moist, acidic soil in deep or partial shade.

Zones 5-8