Lemon balm – herb – Melissa – Balm – Monarda



space 20-24″ inches apart

mature size 24-36″ inches tall

M. officinalis – Lemon Balm – Bee Balm – This bushy, upright perennial that dies down in winter is from Southern Europe and grows 2-4′ feet tall and 12-18″ wide.It produces hairy, glandular stems and wrinkled, ovate, light green leaves, to 3″ long. Throughout summer, it produces irregular spikes of pale yellow flowers, becoming white or lilac-tinted white, to ½” long.

‘All Gold’ – has golden yellow leaves and white flowers, tinted pale lilac

‘Aurea’ – Variegata of gardens’ – has dark green leaves heavily splashed gold at the edges.

Grow in moderately fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained soil in full sun or dappled shade.Protect from excessive winter moisture, do not allow to dry out in summer.Divide in spring.

Prone to powdery mildew, rust, and leaf spot.

Zones 4-9