Lavandula a. ‘Hidcote’ – Lavender –


L. angustifolia – L. officinalis – L. spica – L. vera – English Lavender – This compact, bushy shrub from Western Mediterranean area grows 2-3′ feet tall and 4′ feet wide.It produces linear, gray green leaves, to 2″ long.In mid and late summer, long, unbranched stalks carry fragrant, pale to deep purple flowers in dense spikes, to 3″ long.Attractive low hedge and dislikes hot, humid areas.

‘Hidcote’ – grows 24″ tall and 30″ wide and produces silvery gray leaves and dark purple flowers

Grow in moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun.Will thrive in acidic and alkaline soils.

zones 5-8