Laelia – orchid

SKU: PDE-160249867 Category:


Laelia – There are about 50 species of evergreen, epiphytic or terrestrial orchids in this genus. They occur in coastal regions up to altitudes of 8,300′ feet high, in oak forest, from Mexico to Brazil and Argentina and the West Indies. They have robust or slender, elongated pseudobulbs, each with 1 or 2 (rarely 3) semi rigid, narrowly oval, club shaped, oblong, strap shaped, or linear leaves. Brightly colored flowers are borne in racemes up to 3′ feet long and usually bloom from fall to spring. Many inter-generic hybrids derived from crosses with Cattleya and other related genera are also available. Cool growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in large species in epiphytic orchid potting mix in a slatted basket, and small ones epiphytically on a slab of bark. In summer, provide moist, shady conditions, water freely, adding fertilizer at every third watering, and mist once or twice daily. In winter, provide full light and water sparingly. Prone to scale insects, spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs. Black rot, and cercospora leaf spot.


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