Koelreuteria paniculata – China Tree – Golden Rain Tree – Varnish Tree – Pride of India –


K. paniculata – China Tree – Golden Rain Tree – Varnish Tree – Pride of India – This slow growing, spreading tree from China, Korea and naturalized in Japan grows to 30-50’ feet tall and wide but usually less in cultivation. It has furrowed bark. It produces pinnate or bi-pinnate leaves to 18” long consisting of ovate-oblong, scalloped leaflets. Emerging leaves are pink-red, becoming mid green and the in autumn turn a butter yellow to orange. In mid and late summer it bears small yellow flowers, ½” across carried in large panicles, to 12” long, followed by bladder-like, pink or red flushed fruit capsules, to 2” long.

Grow in moderately fertile, well drained and aerated soil in full sun.

zones 6-9