Kalmia –
There are about 7 species of evergreen shrubs, in this genus. They occur in woodland, swamps, and meadows in North America and one from Cuba. They produce deep green, leathery leaves with paler undersides, which may carried alternately, in opposite pairs, or in whorls. In late spring and early summer it bears showy bowl, cup, or saucer shaped pink to red flowers held in corymbs or racemes. They are useful for a shrub border or in woodland garden, the dwarf species and cultivars are suitable for a large rock garden. All parts may cause severe discomfort if ingested.
Grow in lime free, moist, humus rich, slightly acidic soil in partial shade or in sun where soil remains reliably moist. Mulch annually in spring with leaf mold or pine needles.
Prone to fungal leaf spots and blights, leaf gall, powdery mildew, weevils, scale insects, lace bugs and borers.
K. angustifolia – Lambkill – Hobble Bush – Sheep laurel – Wicky – This mound forming shrub from Eastern North America grows 2-3’ feet tall and 5’ feet wide. It produces smooth, oblong to elliptic, dark green leaves, to 2 ½” long, carried in opposite pairs or whorls of three. In late spring and early summer it bears small, bowl or cup shaped,. Pale to deep red, occasionally white flowers, to ½” across, held in corymbs, 2” across.
Zones 7-8
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