Kale – Curly Kale

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Acephala Group’ – the kales and ornamental kales – these are flat leafed or curly leafed cabbages that do not form a head, popular in Northern Europe because of their tolerance of cold. Some forms can grow thick, knobby stems up to 6′ feet or more tall. Sow the flat leaf kales from seed as they do not tolerate transplanting. n Scotland the broth made from their leaves is a traditional highland dish.

Grow in fertile, well drained, ideally lime rich soil in full sun.

Prone to leaf miners, caterpillars, aphids, harlequin bugs, root maggots, nematode, cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, black leg, white rust, black leaf spot (Xanthomonas), downy mildew, powdery mildew, damping off, white mold, clubroot, root knot nematodes, Magnesium, boron, and potassium deficiency.

matures in 45 days

space 12″ inches apart

mature size: 1-2′ feet tall and 1′ foot wide

Harvest – younger leaves are mild in flavor, pick lower leaves first, and the plant will continue to produce new upper leaves.