Centranthus ‘Jupiter’s Basket’ – Jupiters beard –


Centranthus ‘Jupiter’s Basket’


blooms in late spring

comes in 6″ or 1 gallon

C. ruber – Red Valerian – Jupiter’s Bears – Kiss-me-quick – Keys of Heaven – This loose, clump forming, woody based many branched perennial from the Mediterranean grows 2-3′ feet tall and 3′ feet wide. It produces simple, lance shaped to ovate, slightly toothed or smooth edged, fairly fleshy, glaucous, deep to mid green leaves, to 3″ long. From late spring to autumn it bears dense cymes of small, funnel shaped, fragrant white, pale rose-pink, or dark crimson flowers, ½” long. Self seeds freely

Grow in well drained, poor to moderately fertile, chalk or lime soil, in full sun. Deadhead regularly and divide every 3 or 4 years in spring.

zones 5-9