Chelone ‘Lyonii Hot Lips’ – Hot lips – Turtlehead –


Chelone ‘Lyonii Hot Lips’


comes in 1 or 2 gallon pots

C. lyonii – This erect perennial from mountains of Southeaster USA grows 3-4′ feet tall and 2′ feet wide. From square stems it carries long stalked, ovate to elliptic, toothed, dark green leaves, 2-6″ long. In summer it bears rosy purple flowers, 1″ long, with yellow beards.

Grow in deep, fertile, moist soil in an open site in partial shade or sun. Turtleheads tolerate heavy clay soil and will also grow in a bog garden.Mulch in mid spring with well rotted manure or compost.Divide in early spring

Zones 4-9