Picea ‘Hoopsi’ – Hoopsi spruce –


Picea ‘Hoopsi’ evergreen tree comes 3-4′, 4′-5 feet tall or larger P. pungens – Colorado Spruce – This conical to columnar tree from the Rocky Mountains from Wyoming to Colorado grows 50-100′ feet tall and 15′ feet wide. It has scaly, gray bark and thick, orange brown shoots. It produces stiff, thick, sharp pointed, 4 sided, bluish gray green leaves, ½-1 1/4″ long, arranged radially on the shoots, curve upward, and are covered in glaucous wax. Cylindrical, green, later pale brown female cones are 3-5″ long with flexible scales. ‘Hoopsii’ – has glaucous, blue white leaves Grow in any deep, moist but well drained, ideally neutral to acidic soil in full sun. It will not withstand polluted environments Zones 2-8