Heuchera a. ‘Purple Palace’


H. americana – This mound forming perennial from Central and Eastern North America grows 18″ tall and 12″ wide. It produces rosettes of broadly ovate to heart shaped, 5 to 9 lobed, glossy, leathery leaves, 2-5 ½” long. Young foliage in marbled and veined brown, maturing to deep green with copper-green shading. In early summer it bears panicles of brownish green flowers.

‘Purple Palace’ – 12-15″ inches tall, white flowers, mahogany red foliage. blooms August to September

Grow in fertile, moisture retentive but well drained soil in sun or partial shade, full shade may be tolerate in a moist site.The woody rootstock tends to grow upward, so mulch annually, eventually lift and replant in late summer or early autumn, with just the crown above the soil surface, or replace with new plants. Divide every 3 or 4 years in autumn or early spring

zones 4-8