Gaultheria procumbens – Checkerberry – Teaberry – Wintergreen – x Gaulnettya – Pernettya –


G. procumbens- Checkerberry – Teaberry – Wintergreen – This creeping, rhizomatous prostrate shrub from woodlands of Eastern North America grows 6″ tall and at least 36″ wide.It produces elliptic, pointed or glandular-tipped, scalloped or bristly toothed, glossy, deep green leaves, to 2″ long.The leaves have a strong fragrance of wintergreen when crushed.In summer it bears urn shaped, white or pale pink flowers, either singly or in small racemes, to 1″ long, these are followed by aromatic red fruit, to ½” wide which frequently persist until spring.

Grow in slightly acidic to neutral, humus rich, moist soil in partial shade, full may be tolerated where the soil is permanently moist.

Zones 3-8