Myosotis ‘Victoria Lavendar’ – Forget-me-not –

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Myosotis ‘Victoria Lavendar’


comes in quarts or in 1 gallon pots

Myosotis – Forget-me-not –

There are about 50 species of annual, biennials and clump or mat forming perennial in this genus. They occur in woods, meadows, swampy soils and at pond margins in Europe, Asia, Australasia, and North and South America. They produce alternate, variably shaped, hairy leaves, and usually paired cymes of 5 lobed, salverform, occasionally funnel shaped flowers in blue, yellow, or white, mostly with yellow or white eyes. The dwarf perennials are mainly short live but self seed freely, they are useful for a rock garden, bank, scree bed. Grow M. scorioides at the margins of a pong. M. sylatica is suitable for a mixed or wildflower border, its cultivars are useful for spring bedding.

Grow in moderately fertile to poor, moist but well drained soil in full sun, with some midday shade, or in partial shade.

zones 3-8