Osmunda regalis – Flowering Fern – Royal Fern


O. regalis – Flowering Fern – Royal Fern – This deciduous fern from swamps and other boggy areas in temperate and subtropical regions in Asia, Europe, and the Americas grows 6′ feet tall and 12′ feet wide. It produces dense clumps of broadly triangular-ovate, 2 pinnate, bright green sterile fronds, 3′ feet or more long. In summer, partially fertile fronds, to 6′ feet long, has tassel like tips, with brown or rust colored sporangia covering the much smaller pinnae. The fibrous rootstock is the source of osmunda fiber, used as a potting mix for orchids. Does well in full sun as long as water is plentiful.

Grow these fully frost hardy plants in moist, fertile, humus rich, preferably acidic soil, in light, dappled shade, although many are perfectly sited in full sun. Divide in autumn or early spring.

zones 2-10